Extended breastfeeding while pregnant


My daughter is almost 2.5 years and still nursing. I didn’t think it would go on this long, assuming she’d wean herself earlier, but it is still very much a comfort thing for her and not something I’m willing to take away.

I’m now 6 months pregnant and breastfeeding has only become more and more painful, like the kind of cringe-y curl your toe pain that reminds me of her newborn days that I was so proud to get past.

She still nurses to sleep, nurses throughout the night, and sometimes needs to relax and nurse during the day. My point is, she likes it a lot.

I’m so disappointed in myself and my body for the pain I feel and the resentment that is building towards breastfeeding. I’ve loved it and have always been a huge proponent of it- still am- and I’m so mad at myself for not appreciating it as much.

I don’t know if it’s possible her latch has suddenly gotten really bad or more likely it’s just my breasts being sensitive because of the pregnancy, but I get so frustrated at night when she wants to nurse and this is an emotion I am not used to and don’t want! I don’t want to feel like taking this away from her. I’m not ready to let go of our breastfeeding relationship and really really don’t want to wean her.

I guess I’m looking for advice? It gets better? These are things to do to help without ending the breastfeeding journey??