Early contractions and now gallbladder pain

Erin • Military wife❤️ ITP💜 Oaklynd💛 Baby#2 due Jan2021💕

Last week I went in to L&D for contractions and they told me I'm going to be an unlucky one who has contractions the rest of my pregnancy and now this week I went in to L&D for right upper abdomen pain. Turns out my gallbladder is contracting from progesterone. Yesterday they told me it was most likely heartburn and to try zantac. That did absolutely nothing for it so I was kept up by pain all night for the second night in a row. I had an infusion today to help with my blood disorder and my nurse told me I should definitely call especially cause the meds they told me to take didn't work. So glad I listened to her. I thought I was just over exaggerating. Can it just be March 20th yet🙃