Helllppp am I pregnant?!

Francheska • 💍wifey 👧🏽 060413 👼🏻020319 🌈 2020

I miss carried February 1st at 12 weeks pregnant, baby had actually died at 9 weeks, February first my HCG levels where 3,000 on February 4th I had my levels checked and they where down to 500, the following week I went out of town for a family emergency due to a death in the family, and didn’t have my levels checked but I stopped bleeding February 7th, well now it’s February 21st and I started getting very dizzy all day, no appetite, was so tired this morning after I took my oldest to school I took a nap from 9am -12pm and later tonight started getting nauseous , something told me to take a test and it’s positive within 3 minutes.... can I still be having pregnancy hormones left? It’s been 3 weeks since I miscarried, my cervix is very high and closed and no CM I will be going to my doctor tomorrow to confirm... I’m scared to get my hopes up, my miscarriage was so hard for me and I’m still grieving my baby