My old crush?!

I had this huge crush on this guy for a really long time when I was 13-14 and I finally kind of just forgot about him after I got homeschooled. Last year one of my friends said she was messaging him and he told her that he had always liked me but was too threatened because I was always so shy. Things get a little crazy here, but she was slightly crazy then and was saying how she wanted a threesome and that whole situation gave off a bad vibe so I unfollowed him. I never saw what she had said to him or his replies. She never would let me see the messages but it just really upset me. A couple months later she completely went crazy and ran away. Once she came back I blocked her and that’s when she started stalking me.

I kind of had to give you all the story of that girl and how she was before I asked you for an opinion. I’m sorry 😂

But anyway, I posted a selfie the other day and he liked it. Which means he’s still following me. It really kind of made me feel like I used to. I had butterflies and I was suddenly that dumb little 13 year old all over again. I haven’t saw him in a while, and I know it’s probably just me being crazy because I can’t just start liking him all over again. Not to mention I don’t even know if the girl was even telling the truth. I don’t know what they were talking about or anything. If I’m being completely honest, I would kind of like to try to talk to him to see what type of person he is now. He’s always had that special place in my heart. Hell, it might always be there. I just don’t know whether or not if I should try to talk to him