Flat temps in luteal phase



OK, how weird is this?? Two months charting. Last month I had 36.50 seven times in a row before the AF drop, and this month it's happening again!! Currently at 36.50 three times. Thermometer is new and gives different temps at random times during the day so I don't think it's broken!

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Posted at
Some people just have really consistent temps. Since you have a clear o pattern, I wouldn’t worry. But you can get a new battery and check in case.


Al • Feb 22, 2019
Yeah, I should try a new battery for next month. It's just funny that it's only doing it at 4 dpo both months, no other time. Other times of day it jumps around too. Thanks for the message 😊


Posted at
I’m currently waiting for my ovulation spike but I’ve had this question myself. Mine dipped the other day and just took my temp again to test the battery...98.34. So either I just ovulated or it’s up from morning sex lol hope it’s the former.


Angela • Feb 22, 2019
Oh no changes, I kept my morning reading just testing the battery after another comment I read


Lauren • Feb 22, 2019
You took your temp after morning sex? And charged that temp?


Angela • Feb 22, 2019
it’s been like this for three years but looking at the chart I think we might be sex addicts😳😂 got my iud out in dec and this is my first month charting. My ovulation date changed til tomm for some reason? Hadn’t had a period for years so I don’t know my cycle plus it’s been irregular, maybe the app is confused as me? Thanks for the baby dust❤️


Posted at
Your thermometer needs a new battery


Al • Feb 22, 2019
But it's only doing this on 4 dpo every month. No other time. Including at other times of day. I will try a new battery next month to be sure though!


Mr • Feb 22, 2019
I bought mine new and it arrived dead. Most of the time when a battery is going, it will revert to the nearest most recent temp to save battery.