Found another girls phone number 😒


My boyfriend is a server at a restaurant. I was doing his laundry and found this receipt folded up neatly in his pocket. Usually if he comes home with receipts they’re crumpled up & thrown away immediately. This was folded neatly by itself with no other receipts... and it’s dated from two months ago.

I don’t know if he called her, he doesn’t show any signs of cheating, but I just have to wonder why he even kept it. Even if he didn’t call her it’s just insulting that he would keep her number to fantasize about it or something.

Don’t really know what to think. I’ve been with him for 5 years... it’s worrying that this is happening after so long. I think the main reason I’m upset is because it’s sending up a huge red flag for me.

I’m going to talk to him about it but I already know what he’s going to say. He’ll say he didn’t know he had it, that he didn’t call her, blah blah blah. And then I’ll ask to see his phone and probably won’t find it in his call history or texts because I know he likes to erase his history a lot. And then we’ll just be fighting for no reason because there’s nothing to do about it. Ugh... I just don’t have the time or energy for this crap, ya know? 😒 getting too old for this shit