
Chelsea • Nurse 👩🏼‍⚕️ Wife ❤️ Momma 🧒🏼🤰

Can anyone else tell what’s going on with their uterus 100% based on your discharge?! I tend to think I have more discharge than the average person. But I’ll be dammned if it doesn’t change like the tides. When I’m ovulating I get very clear cut egg white cervical mucus. As my period approaches it lessens and then in the day or two before my period its like Niagra falls and my discharge has a very distinct smell. I tend to get self conscious as if others can smell me too. It’s very hard to describe, but the best I can think of is wet dog 😫 my period comes and then the smell is completely gone and my discharge goes back to normal. Anyone else experience this? It’s deff not an infection of any sort since it only comes in the 2 days before my period and disappears afterwards.