My man 😍


I always found it really hard to talk to my bf about ttc because I wasn’t sure he was ready like he said he was. He has an 8 yr old from a previous relationship and has a difficult baby momma so it made things hard but she’s became a lot more lenient now that he’s older!

We’ve been trying for 8 months now after we were laying in bed the other night and I told him my period had started and he said” why aren’t you pregnant yet do you think you should see a dr?”which I informed him it does take a while sometimes and we just need to make sure we have sex when I’m ovulating etc It’s like guys no nothing about this!! Haha

Fast forward to tonight- (he works for hisself, he gets pallets from Walmart and other stores and resales )

He bought a truckload today and apparently got tons of ovulation tests and saved them all for me lol

You guys have no idea how happy this makes me knowing that he really wants to try and is in this with me!! 😍😍 sorry it’s so long lol