My poor 5 month old baby has the stomach flu 😞 advice please

For the past few weeks my daughter has been extremely clingy on towards me. If I sit her down just to walk 2 steps away she throws a fit. She will be fed, changed, burped, everything but will not stop even though she can see me and I can’t get anything done. She started basically throwing up majority of her milk every time she ate and she’s been pooping a lot compared to her normal. She will just scream/cry out of the blue for absolutely no reason. I called her doctor and told them her symptoms and they said she has the “ stomach bug/stomach flu “ and I was wondering if anyone’s ever dealt with the same thing and what I could give her or get to help her besides just Pedialyte bc I already got that. She has such trouble sleeping now and will be constantly moving and waking up. All advice is welcome!!!!