Very faint positive 8dpo

Hey ladies, this is my first time posting... I am 8 or 9 dpo (I have irregular cycles) and have been feeling nauseous/emotional for two days. I took a hpt this am and it was negative, then took two this evening which were both very faint positive.

I had a miscarriage last January (baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, mc at 8) and I am scared to be excited about a positive test this early. I was over the moon when I first saw the second line this time, but then immediately felt like I shouldn’t get my hopes up yet. I don’t even want to tell my husband because it was difficult for him last time too and it’s so early.

Should I test again in the morning? Should I wait until my period is due? I can’t help but want to test every day but I don’t want to get excited if I’m going to mc again because that was so heartbreaking. Any tips on keeping my mind off the things that are out of my control?

I appreciate any feedback!