I know I’m not crazy 🙄😒

A glimpse of Heaven 💛 • 🩷💙🩷💙

So my and my child’s father are not together but we still mess around and together at least 3/4 days a week. So he got his taxes yesterday and if you heard Walmart is having the baby savings day today and I don’t get my taxes till Wednesday. So I text him yesterday like can we go since you got the money and just get diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifier things like that since we don’t know what we’re having yet. And this guy says “yeah, but you gotta pay me back.”

So I left it at that cause I didn’t wanna argue. But why do I gotta pay him back for stuff that either way we would have to provide? I’m not paying him back for being a father. That’s what your supposed to do PROVIDE!!! Am I overreacting or no.

UPDATE: Now he’s a comedian 🙄😭 he’s said “it was a joke. You take everything so seriously.” 🙄 but on a good note we got a lot of good things.