Help! Baby has day and night feedings mixed up


FTM and we took our 4 month old son to Hawaii for vacation a few weeks ago. Since we got back ( about 2 weeks now) he does his long stretch between feedings in the morning and eats every 2-4 hours at night. Before we left he was doing his long stretch at night with 1 feeding before getting up for the day. Any tips to help reverse this back to before? He sleeps fine during the night just wakes up to eat. I should also note, if I try to feed him during the day, during that long stretch, he screams and cries that the boob is in his face. If I try a bottle, I can get him to eat 1/2 oz to 1 oz, but still feeds all night. I’ve also tried letting eat as much as he wants at night to even dream feed to limiting that once he falls asleep I take him off, but he still wakes up 2-4 hours to eat.

We also just started cereal two days ago, but he doesn’t eat enough of it yet to fill up. Also not sure what’s the best time to feed him the cereal to help him sleep more at night. Last night we tried 630pm but no luck!