2/23 CD 12

Well temp is kind of going down some more, maybe I have a chance to see my spike after all.

So I noticed over the last 2 months that Glow doesn’t allow me to use my pregnancy chart in the overlay. I feel like that’s the best thing for me to compare charts to at this point so I went through to an old cycle that I didn’t really temp and put the pertinent info (temps, HCG trigger, and ❤️s) into it that I actually had during my pregnancy cycle. So now I have 2 full Ava cycles to compare to my current cycle. It’s hard to compare the previous cycles because they were oral temps and Ava is skin. Anyway, I’m almost under my coverline from my pregnancy cycle (red). We shall see.

Nothing too crazy during the day today, hubby has to work so I’ll do some stuff around the house and probably get a little bit of work done so I don’t have anything looming over my head while I’m gone. However once hubby gets home, we may have some work to do. We took the dogs for a walk last night and thankfully we decided to go a different way than normal and went around the back of our yard into the schoolyard that is behind us. Well with all the snow and wind apparently one of our trees fell down somewhat recently. It’s behind our shed so we didn’t even know and wouldn’t have seen it on our normal dog walk route. Our dogs have no want or reason to get out of the yard (and there’s blackberries over there that they know not to step in), but we definitely need to get it fixed before school on Monday. We rent so it should be our landlords responsibility but he isn’t responding so we may just have to do it. Gives hubby an excuse to buy that chainsaw he’s been wanting. Lol

Hard to see, but here’s a picture from last night when we found it. It’s probably a 30-40 foot tree.