Post Partum Bleeding

My second baby was born nearly six weeks ago and I believe my period has already returned. I had a c section and tubal ligation. The heavy postpartum bleeding only lasted a few days after delivery, and the thicker lochia ended over a week ago. I exclusively breastfed my first and my period came back at four months; this time I’m exclusively pumping.

I thought I had a bacterial vaginosis infection about a week ago and started taking Canesbalance pesseries. After three nights of using it I stopped because it stung each time I used it and on the third day I started bleeding thin, bright red blood. It is not just spotting, but not as heavy as the first day or two of a period.

Can Canesbalance cause bleeding? Can exclusively pumping mean my period could return sooner than if I was breastfeeding? Could this be a result of the tubal ligation? Not getting many answers from Dr. Google so I’m wondering if anyone has similar experiences!