Trigger (bleeding advice)


TRIGGER: bleeding in early pregnancy


Congrats fellow Mamas! So excited to be on this journey with you all for our October babies! I’m due 10/26/18 with my 2nd. I’m hoping the baby is born on my birthday (Halloween). We got pregnant our first cycle (which was a huge shock because it took 3 years for our son).

I see a lot of people asking about blood/brown discharge right now. I wanted to give some feedback/reassurance. With my son, I had some brown discharge around 5 weeks. A couple days later, it turned bright red. I went to the hospital and everything was completely fine. But, I did have to get an Rhogam shot since I’m RH negative (my son turned out to be positive, so this saved his life), if you experience red bleeding, please be sure to get checked. Especially if you are RH negative and your spouse is RH positive. Small amounts of brown discharge are normal, usually left over from implantation and slowly making their way out. I have posted pics below to show what my bleeding looked like with my son.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy pregnancy. 🥰

Drop pics of your BFP below. ❤️