Diva Cup Overflow 😖


Does anyone have any recommendations for a SUPER heavy flow cup?? I was super excited about switching to using a cup, I bought the diva cup (model 2 I think, whichever one is for 30 yr olds). I was actually excited about my period coming this month so I could try it out lol. It was great the first day of my period, no leaks, I was able to get it in there properly, I thought it was going to be a real period game changer. Then the dreaded 2nd day came around and I was overflowing that cup about every 2-3 hours..at work. 🤦‍♀️

Thankfully I had a back up pad through out the day but geeeeez. Lol.

So any obnoxiously heavy flow cup users out the there that have any advice or recommendations I would really appreciate it!!