How do you cope with social anxiety?

I hate being embarrassed

I think everyone talks about me

I think nobody likes me

Why are they laughing at me

Why are they looking at me

I hear whispers, let's peek to see if they're talking about me

They talk about my clothes

Butterflies/stuttering when conversing with people that I know don't like me

Nobody wants to be my friend

Soooo I work in a call center and it's getting really hard to deal with a lot of people on a daily basis. I want to just QUIT! I can't because I have those things called bills and I've only been working there for 4 months after being unemployed for 5 months for quitting a job that I lasted for only 6 months for these same reasons.

Managers make comments at me like "oh you're actually working today" OR "if you would do some work". Are they joking? Are they serious?

Girls laugh and talk about me all day everyday. I've been looking for a work from home job or looking to start my own business which will require money. Ladies please give me advice.

I feel like I'm just a piece of shit.