10 week miscarriage

Jess • 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 28 years old. Wife. Momma. 👼🏼 2/28/19 👼 3/28/20 👧5/17/21 👧10/23/23

If you’ve had a miscarriage, were you ever concerned that the doctor misdiagnosed you? Rationally or otherwise? I’m 11 weeks, first pregnancy, HCG levels dropped by 9,000 in two days, and no gestational sac or fetus was seen on 3 ultrasounds (two transvaginal, one abdominal). I know in my head that I’m miscarrying and while it’s a tough pill to swallow, I do accept it. I just have a piece of me that is terrified the the doctors missed something and my baby’s there somewhere. Has anyone else had this fear?