
I used first response last night and it was negative.

I have 4 days until AF is supposed to arrive and it is said that at 4 days it’s 76% accuracy.

I did drink a lot of fluids and eat right before the test so I tell myself that with that and with testing at night that I could still have a chance.

I just feel like since I used the “6 days sooner” test that I would of still been accurate. I keep going back and forth to myself.

Has anyone used a first response 4 days before expected period and got a BFN but later got a BFP?

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Posted at
In all the research I’ve done, it seems that you can implant anytime from 8 dpo to 12 dpo.... meaning if you’re on the later end of that, you likely wouldn’t show a positive on a HPT until the day of your missed period (not like this knowledge keeps me from testing early LOL). But, I think you’re still in it until AF shows! Best wishes to you this month!!!


Posted at
I feel like the part on the box giving percentages is misleading. If you haven't implanted yet or just implanted within the last day or 2 it would still show negative most likely. You still have a chance. With my son I didn't get a pos on an frer until the day before af was due and it was super faint.