Ugh someone talk me off the ledge..

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

Seriously!! I am so frustrated. I am 27 w pregnant and I am a sahm/babysit daily (as in 7 days a week most weeks) and I have 2 kids an 11 yr old and a 3 and a half year old. I babysit my friends 5 yr old from 7 am to 5-6pm pretty much every day for the past month. I also babysit a 1 yr old 2 days during the week as well. About a month ago my fiancé mentioned that the house isn’t as clean as he likes it and instead of making an argument out of it, I admitted that yes since I have been sick daily since the beginning of pregnancy (some days are better than others obviously) I have been slacking on the house work and apologized. Since then I do my best to keep things as clean (deep clean wise) and best looking (picking up after the kids multiple times a day and especially making it look good before he comes home from work) as humanly possible for a sick pregnant person who’s chasing children/driving them around all day. Anyone who has kids knows that things being “messy” and things being “dirty” are two totally different things. But anyways I’ve done my best exhausting myself making sure he is happy. He’s been working out of town lately and he hasn’t mentioned it since.. until today. He has been home for 1 day and I take the days he’s home to relax with him as well as I told him he does not have to clean when he’s home but I feel I deserve a day on the weekend to see/relax with him and have a “day off” even though I’m still picking up, doing dishes, cooking and taking care of our kids but not standing on my feet ALL day. So today while I’m making dinner he starts with his “this place looks ridiculous” (there was some Legos on the flood and his work clothes and a few other toys and it hasn’t been vacuumed for 1 and half days) and I said I’m busy I planned on cleaning more tomorrow. Then he started listing random shit like the one shelf in the fridge isn’t clean and why wouldn’t I clean it and storms away and starts vacuuming. Now he’s being rude to the kids bc he’s in an obviously pissy mood and I just don’t know what to say anymore. He can’t be home everyday to watch me clean so I’m not cleaning apparently? Also one of my biggest pet peeves is when he is pissy with the kids bc they’re being kids. Kids goes hand in hand with toys being on the floor.. they’re kids. No thank you for dinner just being pissy and childish. Ugh sorry for this long ass rant I’m just annoyed lol rant over.