Do I risk it? Could I be pregnant?

Chloe-J • Hi everyone! I have a 1 year old son and a little girl! I also make candles and wax melts!

Okay so my partner and I have been trying for a baby for months now!

I came off the pill back in November and have only had 1 normal period since so ‘symptoms’ and irregular things are hard for me to notice so please help!

When I got my period last time I had cramping the day it started that was pretty bad and it wasn’t as heavy as usual.

Now this month I used OPK’s and got a positive on the 16th, so I must have ovulated that day because the next day it was a clear negative! I did not have EWCM!

Now 2 days after ovulation I had some strange pains, same area as period cramps but a different sensation. I honestly couldn’t tell you if it was one sided or not but it was like a sudden stabbing pain and then it would go.

THIS IS TMI!!!! ✖️✖️

For the last week I have had very heavy, quite strong smelling discharge. It doesn’t smell like fish though it’s just a smell and I never have this! Now the discharge is runny white and leaves orange marks on my underwear if they are white. (No itching or burning)

I got a negative pregnancy test yesterday (7DPO) and it’s my sister in laws 18th tonight so will a few glasses of wine hurt? Also has anyone had this or got any tips for me?

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