Has Anyone Ever...

We did our first round of Femera in December. I did CD 3–7. On CD 9 we went into the doctor and the U/S showed that I had 5 large follicles. We were told to go home and do the Trigger Shot of Ovidrel and have sex that night, etc. Unfortunately, it did not work so I skipped January due to oral surgery, and I finished my round of Femera last night and HERE’S where things go haywire. Our insurance got messed up and somehow reversed, so in essence they ended up canceling my U/S to tell me when to trigger. I’ve always ovulated, but I’m almost 43 and my AMH was .03 back in July. In Oct/Nov I started taking Evening Primrose Oil & DHEA. I had bloodwork done to retest it on 12/12 and it was up to 0.09, which it had tripled. I also had my 1st child at 39, the good old fashioned way.

SOOOO, I talked to the nurse and she walked me through the steps again and she’s aware that I wasn’t able to do the U/S, but have the Ovidrel Shot. After I looked back over my records, we decided to do the Trigger Shot without doing the U/S. She didn’t tell us to do the shot, but they know I ordered it so it was very implied in our convo’s if the insurance issue didn’t get fixed.

Has anyone else ever done the Trigger Shot WITHOUT having the U/S to look at your follicles? If so, what was the outcome? It’s risky with fertility meds at all, but I guess I’ve been really hormonal over the last 3 months as 2 of my cousins just had babies. Baby fever is on in this family right now. I guess I’m nervous because of not doing the U/S & relying on all kinds of charting and lifestyle changes etc. Also, my Paternal Grandmother has triplets and her Grandmother did too.

Thoughts? Am I a lone soldier? Please, Please, Please give me feedback.

I never realized how many women don’t actually ovulate on their own, until we started this and I started reading posts. Hang in there! I had a 10-lb cyst on my right Fallopian tube when I was 15, & had to have emergency surgery where they removed 1/2 of it. I figured that I’d probably have a hard time having 1 child, if even that. So, I never knew all of this other stuff existed. I hate that people are going through any infertility issues at all. And I think it sucks that we can get all kinds of birth control, abortions etc covered so easily on insurance, but millions of women want to just have a child and the whole experience surrounding it and so we should all be afforded that opportunity to grow a family and have it covered as well. I just hate seeing so many people struggling and then being denied by corporate greed. Baby Dust to you all. ❤️🙏🏻