Anyone else ? Advice ? Tips?

My boyfriend and I have been trying to conceive for 9 months now. I stared tracking my cycles with this app and ovia to see when I ovulate so we timed up our sex accordingly. 4 days leading up to ovulation, the day it’s self and 2 days after!We did that for 2 months but no baby. So then I thought well maybe I’m not ovulating? So I bought 100 ovulation test strips off amazon and was able to see that I was ovulation and exactly when ! We again timed up our sex accordingly 2 more months no baby. I started getting super discouraged, thinking that there was something wrong with me. 4 months in to TTC I started taking prenatals, using preseed, eating super healthy and working out ! One month we even tried having sex EVERYDAY! 4 months later still no baby ! It just didn’t make sense as to why I wasn’t conceiving ?! I was doing everything right?! We are on month 9 of TTC and I feel like this might be our month. Tomorrow I’m supposed to get my period but I have a feeling it’s not going to come for whatever reason. I havnt taken a pregnancy test this cycle because I told my self I won’t do any more crazy testing in my 2 week wait. Please send baby dust our way. We would love nothing more than to love a little life we created ! Anyone going through the same thing ? If so, any advice or tips ?

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Posted at
First, relax. Second, if it doesn’t happen after twelve months go see an RE. It may not even be you! Does he have any kids? You may just both need to get checked. Keep trying til then and get help if it doesn’t happen on its own but don’t blame yourself.


Posted at
I’m in the same boat as you. 9 months now. Supposed to get my period in 5 days. Praying it stays away!!! Sending baby dust to you ✨


Ky • Feb 24, 2019
Hopefully our times will come soon ! Sending baby dust your way as well !