First month ttc and tracking


I’m new and I am 33 married 4 years to my husband I have a daughter who just turned three this month and a 9 year old from my previous marriage. With both of my kids I got pregnant pretty easily after both husbands and I decided to start trying. Now fast forward to a few months after we had our girl charlee...hubby and I have never used protection and she just turned 3. So three years of unprotected sex and nothing. I’m not sure if it is my age? But I am starting to realize that with me being fertile only 24 hours out of the month and now that we have a toddler who is always around lol but we have sex usually once a week so 4 times a month I’m betting we are just not catching the egg. So I figured I would do basal body temperature tracking and use these apps and see if maybe we can figure out what day in my cycle it is that I usually ovulate and make sure we have sex that day. If tracking doesn’t work after a couple of months I will talk to my doctor he now knows we are officially trying :). Lol before we weren’t trying but also not trying to prevent it.

So that’s my story. We think a third child will complete our family we both work full time and both kids have such a happy life I’d love to be able to share that with another little one. Hoping for a boy but I’m convinced it will be a girl lol. Hubby wants a boy so bad bc our boy is his step son. Thought I should introduce myself as I plan on being very present in the posting area. I’d love to meet friends who know what all of this is like