Missed period...

Any ladies out there that are pregnant or have been pregnant before: Did you ever feel like you were going to start your period and then you never started? Might be weird, but a couple days before my period starts I always feel my body getting ready for it. Ever since I started my period 15 years ago, it has always been normal and came on time (every now and then a day early or a day late). Well I'm currently 5 days late. And 7 days ago it felt like it was going to start like normal, but nothing yet. Hubby and I have been having unprotected sex (been tracking everything on here) and were going to wait until around our 1 year wedding anniversary in October to TTC, but we decided once we got married, whatever happens happens. We would be ready for a baby if it happened before our 1 year. Anyways I'd love any advice and curious when to test/when the best time to test is. Told hubby when he got home from work this morning that my period never started Tuesday like it was supposed to. He told me if it doesn't come in a few weeks to take a test, but with what I read on here, I could probably take one now or in a few days.