Would you say my Niece might be developing an Eating disorder?

Rose • Binge Eating Disorder Sufferer Crippling Depression Avid Sandwhich lover

I haven't posted in a while, I've been lurking on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>, occasionally checking my period, logging symptoms etc.

So as of recently, I found out that my niece hasn't been eating food. Her dad and her Step-mom, ALWAYS pack things she likes, sometimes, even letting her pick out her food and she just doesnt eat it, but instead, spits it out into a napkin, or throws it away, or doesn't eat at all, other times she would outright refuse her favorite foods, or pick at it, take a bite and cringe. I've looked on Millions of websites, even going onto Web MD for answers but all of them just link it to picky eating, or an Eating Disorder.

Until one day, she came to visit, crying, so I go see her in my living room (mind you, shes 5 years old) and her dad asks her why she doesn't eat. And this was her answer:

"I don't want to be fat like daddy"

Her mom, wasn't exactly the "nicest" person per-say, she would always comment on my weight, say that I was ugly, and always pick on me, but when she told me this My mind immediately jumped to my niece's mom. And I asked my brother, if it was her original mom who was saying this.

Since then, I've been offering her treats to pick out, and she would always comment on her weight, saying she was "too fat" or something along those lines.

I know it's none of my business to intervene, but I love my Niece to death, I want her to understand that she should love her body enough to give it what it needs and to treat it right.

Any help?

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