Please read my story if you are TTC and need some hope! 😊

Regan • Mom to Hudson James (3/27/18), Briggs Michael (10/17/19) and Henley Rae (2/23/23) and two angels (4/2017 & 1/2022) 💕

In March of 2015 my husband and I started trying to get pregnant. After a year we began fertility treatments due to low sperm count and low morphology. We did 7 months of Clomid and 3 IUIs all within a year. We decided to move onto <a href="">IVF</a>. Our first round we got pregnant but miscarried at 7 weeks. Our second round did not work. The third round we transferred our last 2 embryos and got pregnant after 28 months of trying!! We now have a darling 11 month old boy who was born in March 2018.

The beginning of 2019 we decided to start trying again since it was such a long process the first time. I saw my doctor to get on femara and was told we won’t get pregnant with out intervention. I figured it doesn’t hurt to just try. My husband started taking fertilaid on January 18th. I took Femara the last week of January. I ovulated on February 13th or 14th. We also used preseed. I had some sharp cramping 7dpo-9dpo and was feeling off. Today is 11DPO and I got my BFP!!! It took us 1 month!!! God is good and I cannot believe it!!!