Late period


So at the beginning of December I got off my birth control. My husband and I aren’t against having a kid right not but also aren’t actively trying so he’s been using a condom or pulling out. When I got off birth control I got this app the help keep track of periods and I’m currently 5-7 days late. My last period was Jan 23-28. At first it said I was supposed to get my period Sunday feb. 17, which I thought was early and when I checked my settings my cycle length was set to 27 days, I changed it to 28 days and it moved my period start date to Tuesday the 19th. I was worried so Wednesday the 20th I took a test to be safe and it came back negative. I took another pregnancy test yesterday too and that came back negative as well. I still have no signs of a period coming though. I know coming off birth control can cause some irregularity, is this normal though?