Implantation or early period

Yesterday before work hubby & i bd...I was 9 dpo and really didn’t think anything till yesterday night around 9 when I used the bathroom at work and had a drop of blood in my cm wiped again & had a little bit more blood in my cm I just thought maybe it’s bc we didn’t use pressed and just bd with out using lube and that’s why I was bleeding a little so I looked up implantation bleeding and idk if this is it or not so anyways long story short I had a little pink last night before bed and today thing (picture below) I’m due for af Thur 2/28 is this early period or implantation ? Thank you && so sorry for the long post

Update: so it’s been a couple days still spotting but now I have back pain and cramps to go along with it needless to say I think I’m getting me period Thursday...there is always next month