Hoping this is my month

K • Married, 3yo girl, second girl in the way

TTC for 1.5 years (sorta- my period went MIA for a year)

This month I had my HSG test done just on Friday which seems to help people get pregnant too. Saw a poll of 90 women who had it done and 68% got pregnant either that same cycle or the next.

Also I’m on letrozole 2.5mg days 3-7 and when my sister took the medication inJanuary she got pregnant first try.

So I’m hoping with those 2 things that my chances are really good.

I’ve tried reducing some stress around it by not temping or using OPKs this cycle and we will BD every other day until I get a pos preg test or my next period.

But of course my controlling type A personality is now having a hard time with not knowing.

Any tips to stay sane?

Anyone else have success with HSG or letrozole(femera)