Could it be????


So could this be implantation bleeding or false here is some information,

I had a light period feb 4,5,6

I took clomid cd 5-9

On cd 7 I had ewcm and a positive opk (however I have since then read I was testing too early and clomid gives false positive opks)

On cd 16-17 I believe I ovulated which would make me 4-5 dpo. I am On cd21 and I have had some minor cramping the last two days however today I started to spot. I don’t know if this is my period or if this could possibly be implantation bleeding. What do you think? I thought it would be too early for IB. I have also had little to no cm today. My cervix was high cd16-17 then it dropped. I am going to go tomorrow and get my progesterone tested.