Are we prepared enough?


I feel like I am so ready to have this baby (I’m 19) and my partner (23) says he wants one too, we still live in his dads home, even though his dad is only here once a fortnight, but we will be moving out while I’m pregnant. My partner thinks we need to have at very least 10 thousand saved EACH before we even start trying, but I’m going to keep working pregnant, so I don’t think we need to wait until then. I’ll be able to save $5k in 6 months, he has 3 motorcycles (2 worth over $25k) and he already has 4K saved so I really think we are ready and have enough to fall back on. I desperately want to start TTC really soon as I have Endometriosis and don’t believe that this will be easy or happen quickly 😩 I just want other people’s opinions, as I know I’ll be getting judged by my family harshly, I want to know what other people think too.