In law issues


Didn’t really know which category to post in. Mamas I have a son, he is 4 months old, I was diagnosed with post partum depression (I take meds for it), I’m also very anxious, etc.. My husbands family is crazy. Especially his mother (so much more has happened then what I’m gonna put in this story) 90% of the time I can’t stand for her to be holding my child. I honestly wish she would just stay away from us. She can be great for about a month and then she does something stupid to piss me off, it’s like she wants to be in control of everything ESPECIALLY when it comes to my baby. Anyway, the most important rule I have is that if my child is crying I don’t want anyone to try to comfort him.. I think they should give him to me or his daddy, we’re his parents and I’d imagine if something is wrong he wants us. My husband doesn’t like drama and doesn’t say much about stuff, he’s had a hard life and just wants his family to get along. I honestly don’t know what to do, when I speak up I’m the bad person but this is my child!!! Then his nana, makes comments on Facebook about us never brining my baby to see her and she is always too busy to come see him but I look at it like she should make time for him. I’m so overwhelmed and wish my husband could understand what I’m going through. Am I acting too crazy? Should I try to get on more medicine?? I don’t know what to do 😩

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Doesn’t sound crazy to me. He’s your baby and naturally when he’s upset you will want to soothe him or have your partner do that! Never let anyone tell you that what you believe is best for your baby is crazy because it’s not 💖