
My period is 41 days late.. I suffered with irregular periods before, but I have never went almost 3 months with out my period... the last time I was sexually active was in the beginning of January, basically after my period ended (unprotected)

my last period was on Dec 13th.

About a week ago, I took a pregnancy test, and it came out negative.

For about 6 days now I have been having reoccurring headaches, nausea (no vomiting) a bit of heartburn, back pain (lower back), I’ve had very light pink spotting, fatigue, constipation, whitish discharge like sticky (no smell at all), dizziness and having the feeling of wanting to faint, and bloating... standing and moving around makes everything worse, also I have this very weird taste in my mouth, kind of like a mothball taste that won’t go away...

I will take another test soon, but I would like to hear some other opinions? Please and thank you ❤️ do you think I may be pregnant? Or am I going crazy

I’m 21 years old and never been pregnant before.