Mirena and Period


I’ve had Mirena since December 2014 (three months after giving birth to my daughter). I’ve had a period every single month for the last four years and two months (sometimes I would have two periods in a month). My periods were never ‘regular’ even before the Mirena so it’s hard to pin point exactly when I should have it but I’ve been tracking on the app for the last couple of months and I fluctuate between 28 and 31 days in between and typically they are very light and only last 1-2 days. Well, it says that I’m 18 days late.. I was experiencing some nausea, headaches, acne on face and chest, and during the month of January ‘my period’ lasted for exactly one wipe and it was bright red (not the usual brownish/burgundy color). Naturally I was concerned so I took a test.. it was Negative.

Ladies with Mirena.. is this normal for my body to take SO LONG to stop having a period altogether? Should I be concerned that this might be something more? I know that the obvious answer would be to call the doctor, but knowing that I’m on one of the most effective birth controls, and most periods do stop over time and having a negative test..

What would you do?