Why won’t my child sleep?!?


My daughter is almost 7 months old and I am lucky if she sleeps for longer than an hour and a half at a time. Every once in a while she will have a really great night and only wake up once or twice to nurse but most of the time I wonder why I even been bother going to bed. We currently only have two bedrooms and my 2.5 year old (who I have to chase all day while sleep deprived) sleeps in the other room so my daughters crib is in our room with us. I can’t really let her fuss and whine all night because then she doesn’t sleep at all and then she keeps my husband up and then everyone is cranky. I know that getting up to put her back to sleep every time she wakes up isn’t really helping my problem but like I said, she’s in our room and my husband works 7 days a week around heavy equipment so as much as I’d like to be upset that once he gets into bed he doesn’t have to get back out of it until he has to go to work, it’s just not safe for him to be falling asleep at work. I’m just so exhausted and I’m running out of ideas, I can’t keep up this pace of not sleeping night after night then having to take care of both the kids all day, do all the housework, and make dinner and do both bedtimes day after day. Oh and I just moved across the country from all my friends and family so I can’t ask anyone for help...I don’t know anyone. I’m just so tired.