No symptoms

Brittani • 29.. Married 2012.. Boy mama💙 and another 👶🏼 on the way!

Today is day two of me feeling absolutely nothing. No bloating, no sore breasts, no cramps. I don’t really remember this stage with my first son. Should I be taking another test? I’m between 5 and 6 weeks.

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Posted at
I’m 7 weeks and feel the same. I tested every week until now and the line kept getting stronger so I’m going to try to relax. My pregnancy with my daughter the only symptom I had was being tired.


Posted at
It's okay I'm 7 weeks and no symptoms at thankful yeah !


Posted at
I’m sure you and your baby are fine Mama. Remember, all pregnancies are different. I hear 8 weeks is when everything really kicks in. Try to relax and enjoy the pregnancy I’m 6 weeks today and I barely feel a thing. I keep searching for a symptom but here I am, feeling all regular lol