

Sorry for how long this is..

Ok so, I met a guy in November and we get along great, like a house on fire! He’s constantly making me laugh, he’s so sweet and i always feel comfortable around him and i can always be myself, and we always have fun when we go out. We havent sleep together yet but i feel like both of us want too though!

We met up for the first time in January and have been ‘seeing’ each other for about 7/8 weeks but neither of us have clarified whats going on yet..

I want to have the conversation with him but am a tad to chicken to do so as I’m worried it will scare him off or put him off wanting to get close to me, which has happened in the past. I do like him and am starting to develop feelings for him but don’t want to open up to him any more than I have if he doesn’t want to take things further..

I’m looking for advice on when’s the best time to have the ‘what are we’ conversation with him?