Need advice!

Okay so I have PCOS and have been TTC for 3 years. I missed my period and I am 8 days late. On day 4&5 i took tests and they were negative. I have some things going on like body aches, light cramping in the back and abdomen but other than that nothing really. So i took a test today on day 8 of a missed period and it was positive very very faint line. My husband and I ended up having sex (TMI) but it was kinda painful & burned. A couple hours later i started bleeding. The bleeding is light and mostly when I go pee or right after I pee. Using a panty liner is all. Ive had little tiny clots also. Im not really sure whats going on if Sex caused the bleeding, I’m having a miscarriage or I was never even pregnant and my period was just late. * Note* i am not in any pain just some light cramping which isn’t as bad as normal period cramps as my period cramps have me in tears and taking very much IBP lol. I have taken no meds and I am fine. Has this happen to anyone? Does anyone have any insight on what may be going on?