It might be my month!

Haley • Wife 4/14/18. Dog mom. RN. Mommy to baby Adeline 10/25/19. 💕

So I had a dream the Night before last that I was pregnant. So I woke up that morning and took a frer test, it had a faint line that I couldn’t tell if it had color or not, but now the more I think about it I do believe it had color and it was in the timeframe. I’ve never seen anything on those tests for the whole 10 months I’ve been trying to conceive, it’s always been a stark white negative, not even an evap after the time frame usually. So now it’s killing me to wait until tomorrow to retest and I’m so anxious because I don’t want it to be negative, I’m so scared that it could have been my first evap even though I believe I saw some color. I’m dying trying to wait for tomorrow morning 😭😭 it’s so hard! Lol so if anyone could send some baby dust and positive vibes my way, I’d appreciate it!! Praying this will be my positive after the long journey!