Biting my nips! 😖

Katie • My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessed❤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

How do I get her to stop! She doesn’t even have teeth yet and it’s horrid! She thinks it’s funny!!! She smiles and laughes when I start yelping in pain.

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Mine hasn’t done this (yet) but I was told to keep your reaction calm and firmly tell them No, while removing the nipple (like another mom suggested). Yelping/shouting even though it’s hard not to do it, comes across as a game and funny. But at this age they can understand firm tones for their meaning.


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My son does that when he isn't interested. Id say put her down and say no. She will get it after a few times.


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Mine did this when he was around 4 months for a while. I would just pinch his cheek (not really pinch, but put my thumb near the corner of his mouth and pointer finger towards his ear and just pull a little) to break the latch. I know some people say to put your finger in their mouth to break the latch, but unless I had just washed my hands, I never did that. He stopped the biting after maybe a week and I kept breaking the latch every time he did it. I think he finally understood that he can’t keep eating if he does that, so he stopped. He also smiled at me every time he did it, so it was hard to be mad at him!


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Same thing is happening here! I tell her “ouch, that hurts Mommy” and usually put my nipple away. She prolly doesn’t fully understand, but hopefully it will work. She doesn’t seem to do it when she’s really hungry, it’s more of a game to her.


Katie • Feb 26, 2019
I agree! If she gets mad and hungry she’s fine but if I catch her and try to feed her before that she plays “time to bite moms nip off” I keep telling her”don’t bite the nip that feeds you girl!”


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Unfortunately I dont have a solution but I can relate. When my now 18 month old son was trying to nurse he would get a good latch and then try and turn his head away from me to see around the room, it was so horribly painful...hang in there momma. I never made it as long as you have with nursing with any of my 4 sons. The longest I could do nursing or pumping was 3-4 months. So I hope you are able to find a solution.


Katie • Feb 26, 2019
Ugh! Girl this kid bites down and pulls back😖 I just gave her time out from the boob lol told her when she can respect it she can have it back...I got a solid blank stare. I’m hoping this is a short phase cuz damn...thank you for your reply!