Not about my baby, just need to vent UG


This morning I was woken up by my father in law telling me my car had been hit. Now usually I’d just take it in stride and figure it out and call it a day. But this past MONTH, my husband dented my rim (spent 250$ on a new one) my car was broken into (200$ for a window) and a day after that my headlight went out. Fixed my rim, window, and headlight literally FRIDAY, to wake up to this

THE BRAND NEW DAMN RIM I BOUGHT GOT BENT WHEN THE FUC*ERS HIT MY CAR. & yes it was a hit and effing run. Happened somewhere between 2am-8am. Please send me your positive vibes, prayers, and whatever else y’all ladies can do. Me and my baby girl need it more than ever. This stress is taking a toll on me