I need advice PLEASE!!!


I’m 17 DPO (if I go with 24hrs after my clearblue digital showed PEAK)I was hoping to get a BFP this month but I got several BFNs on FRERS (11, 12,14 and 16DPO I believe from the bfns) 😕Yesterday, I started spotting. Thinking AF was on her way, I put on a pad. The spotting was pink and mucus like. It was only that one time when I wipe. After that, I haven’t had a flow at all. Not all day yesterday or today. Zero on the pads. Literally wasting them lol! 😬 Sometimes when I wipe I have a little bit of light brown and nothing else. This has never happened before at all. Once I start spotting (which is usually red) I’ll get AF within HOURS!! I don’t temp so I couldn’t tell you that 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I haven’t had any symptoms at all which is weird. I usually get super sore boobs and cramps before AF. This time nothing..only thing is headaches and yesterday I started getting mild sore boobs and today by uterus is super bloated and I feel like bubbles sometimes. Cramps get severe...no joke! I even bought the Livia thing to help. ‼️ I’m thinking maybe I ovulated 2 days after the peak which means I would be 16dpo today and 15dpo yesterday when I started spotting. I’m also hoping that I implanted somewhat late. I’ve hear anywhere from 6-12dpo is normal. Could I possibly still be pregnant??? 🤔🤔 After 9 years and two loses (2012, 2015) hubby and I are wanting a rainbow baby so bad! 😭😭😭

(Last FRER was BFN which was 16dpo? Yesterday/Sunday morning)