Snack for hosoital


What kind of snacks should I bring for after delivery? I’m planning on nursing but it didn’t work out with my first two, so we’ll see.. I figure I’ll bring some granola bars and Powerade. What else?

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Forget the snacks I’m sending my husband/mom to get me a giant burger and curly fries from Hardee’s once this kid is out 😂.


Melissa • Feb 26, 2019
Rite? I'm sending my husband for sushi lol


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I craved fruit, veggies and dip, a hamburger and fries 🤣 this time I will be taking fruit and veggies with me and then probably ordering pasta from somewhere. Hospital food is gross.


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Kristin • Feb 26, 2019
I would only limit these things if your baby is not tolerating your milk. Plenty of kids do fine with these and it would be a shame to cut them all out unnecessarily, especially with so many nutricious fruits and veggies on the list


Tabitha • Feb 26, 2019
These are all foods to avoid?


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I’ve read that pineapple juice is great for breastfeeding moms, so maybe a can of that. I definitely craved granola bars and “real food” after giving birth the first time


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Granola bars, apple sauce, honey sticks, lemonade, and some protein bars 😊


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100% pineapple juice helps with sore breasts and just good for you! Gatorade’s, ice pops, snack bars. They feed you good at the hospital though most of the snacks I packed my husband ended up eating 😂


Tabitha • Feb 26, 2019
I don’t think my hospital had a cafeteria. I’m delivering on base. Someone said they do feed you if you are a patient but who knows how much lol.