In shock...


I went to my second appointment yesterday. I would have been 11 weeks today. I had to wait over an hour for the doctor since she had a delivery. Well after waiting all that time with a toddler in a small room. She comes in does the ultrasound and I knew the baby wasn’t moving she could hardly even find the baby. My husband knew. I looked up away from the screen. The doctor said it looks like I may have lost the baby she wanted to do a vaginal scan and she confirmed it. Then it hits all the pain I’m in shock though. I’m going to have a D/C done but I’m scared I don’t want to start passing the baby at home alone with just me and my toddler. I’m hoping she can get me in sooner. I can’t sleep I don’t want to eat. I’m just at a loss of what to do. I’m scared out of my mind. Anyone have any words of advice. I also have to come up with a way to tell everyone since we announced we were expecting I don’t want to hear the I’m sorrys from everyone I just don’t want to talk about to anyone but my husband.