Please don’t assume

To this day I still have nightmares. Nightmares of my father busting down a door and making us watch as he beat our mother. Nightmares from when he get so angry that I thought we all were going to die. Every time in the car praying that he wouldn’t lose his mind and decide to end it with all of us in the car. Living everyday in fear of what could happen. At this time I’m only a child and the only thing I could’ve done was run away.

When my mom finally decided to put her foot down and divorce him I was very happy. Having to see domestic violence scarred me pretty bad. In school they had me talk to a counselor for trying to kill my self then I had another counselor outside of school. It took years for my mom to realize how much it affected me because she assumed it didn’t. Please don’t assume kids are fine. Domestic violence affects them too. People over look kids because they don’t think anything of it. Trust me it can cause an impact on them. Listen to your kids when they tell you what’s wrong. If someone’s touching them inappropriately, listen. If someone is hurting them or anything, listen. Even them seeing you going through domestic violence just listen to how they feel.

Please also don’t assume that it is easy to leave an abuser. Some people who are in very violent situations have to go into hiding. The violence can get as bad as the person getting killed. So saying just leave is not always the case. They literally have to plan leaving to waiting until the person is at work or gone somewhere. Some even have to find jobs if they are living off that person’s income. Remember that an abuser doesn’t just start in the beginning stages of the relationship. It starts progressing as soon as the first incident happens.

For those going through domestic violence please seek help. Keep records of everything. It will help you when you file for divorce especially if you have kids.

Thanks for reading

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Posted at
👏👏And this goes for cases where the abuse isn’t physical as well. My dad has never hit my mom, but I’ve seen him yell in her face, threaten to break the door down when she locked herself in the bathroom, throw things in anger, slam doors, etc. Once when I was little, we were both crying in her bed because we were scared of him, and he moved the bed. I remember thinking he was going to lunge at us next and attack us. I remember being scared that I was gonna come home from school one day and find my mom dead. My mom actually said she didn’t realize that this verbal and emotional abuse would affect me until she saw an episode of Dr. Phil...? I was like “really?” Because it’s not like they ever kept their giant arguments a secret. I would wake up in the middle of the night to them screaming at each other or throwing things. Our house is small and the walls are thin. And they never once thought “maybe we shouldn’t be yelling at each other in front of our 4 year old. Let’s go in another room to discuss our problems.” So I completely agree. Don’t “stay together for the kids” because the kids are suffering too. I would be so happy if my parents got divorced


sh • Feb 26, 2019
Yeah like I literally had anxiety sleeping because of going through that. It took years to get over those memories. I have nightmares every now and then but not as much.


Posted at
This is why I finally left a little before my daughter turned 6. She was constantly in a state of panic. She has seen things no one should ever see. Shes just about 9 now and in those three years has blocked out all memories of it and doesnt even remember her dad at all. It actually scares me. I know one day the suppressed memories will have an impact on her. I grew up in an abusive household and wanted to break the cycle. It literally almost killed me trying a few times but I did it.