This may sound dumb but I’m genuinely worried!

I’ve searched high and low and maybe I’m just dumb haha who knows anyway my guy and I have been TTC for awhile now. I take opks and check my cm when I’m ovulating. I use the finger method- wash my hands REALLY REALLY well! Then you know haha my question is once I take it out does that lower the chance of getting pregnant? I skipped it a few months and still nothing but I’m just curious! Like does it need to be there to help get pregnant? I guess I’m the only one who is wondering lol anyway if you know please help a girl out! During TTC you worry and overthink every little thing 😑

Samantha- my CM- since I take it out to check if it’s the right cm does it lower my chances? I’m probably overthinking here 🤣

Paige- that’s what I figured but I’m such a worrier and overthinker it was driving me nuts haha