

Alright ladies.. I’m so confused. First, I am pregnant. The question is.. how far along.

My short story. I ended up being pregnant and finding out January 12, 2019! 2-3 days later I got my positive clear blue digital! I ended up starting to bleed the evening of January 19, 2019.. on my daughters 1st birthday. Bleeding got progressively heavier. So that would’ve made me early.. I was 4 weeks and 3 days from LMP.

I went to the ER the next morning. Bleeding wasn’t stopping and I knew I was miscarrying. When they drew my blood and did the ultrasound.. my levels were 5! And the ultrasound came back negative. The doctor went to tell me It was my period and I wasn’t pregnant. To get a refund for the tests I took. I told her I had FRER, clear blue line, and clear blue digital positives and which ones to get my money back for... since she wanted to be heartless and say she knew my body more than I do.

So I went home. We ended up trying again immediately. 1 week after my last day of bleeding.. which I bled for a week.

I’ve read and been told that miscarriages can throw off your cycle.. ovulation and it can take awhile. But we tried again a week later.. and BAM. February 13, 2019 I got my positive FRER and then a positive First response gold digital, clear blue digital, dollar store test.. and I finally went in to doctors to either confirm or find out what is happening. They did a blood and my levels were 41 and it was a Friday! I Went in two days later that Monday and they wanted to see it at 160.. and came back at 221! I have my first ultrasound this Thursday. Since I am high risk.

My question is.. someone told me that it could’ve been possible I was pregnant with twins and maybe lost one.. and bleeding causes the levels to drop because it sheds the lining of uterus.. and that would make me 9 weeks or so.. and that’s why levels rising quickly.. because it’s rare to impossible to get pregnant that quick after a miscarry.. or I really did miscarry and I am almost 6 weeks pregnant. And I ovulated quickly after.

So I’m just asking if maybe it is possible to have just miscarried a twin and be 9 weeks or is it possible to get pregnant that fast after and really just be 5 and half weeks pregnant.

Any personal experiences?! Advice? I am a twin too. So it does run in the family!

First picture is the tests back in January that the ER doctor told me to get my money back for..

Second, the clot I passed right before the ER ultrasound..

Third and fourth , tests I took February after miscarry and confirmed with doctors