Gut feeling/vivid dreams about gender..


Currently expecting baby #3 in September. I have 2 girls, one turning 11 in April, and a 16 month old. Hubby wants a boy this time (I do too!!) and if this one is a boy, we will be done having babies. As bad as I want this baby to be a boy, my gut feeling is that we’re having another girl.

My previous pregnancies were identical. I never had morning sickness, just nausea. Sciatic nerve pain and extreme fatigue. Very vivid dreams. I even gained the exact same amount of weight with both pregnancies, even though they were 9 years apart. And I’m currently 10w1d and experiencing the exact same symptoms so far.

I never had dreams about my first daughter’s gender, but I had a dream that I gave birth to a baby girl the day before my gender scan with baby #2. Now I’m having dreams about finding out that I’m having another girl. No birth dreams, just getting the ultrasound and being told “it’s a girl!”

Has anyone else gone through this? Was your intuition right? My husband thinks I’m overthinking it (and he’s probably right 😂).