
Rebecca • 19 yr old living life!


My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years. I’m 19 he’s 20. His family is Muslim along with him, and I am Muslim (just reverted recently) and my family is not Muslim.

My parents are not Muslim and me and my boyfriend are looking to get nikkah done. If my parents do not agree because they don’t believe in Islam or think it’s right, is there anything I can do to bypass them agreeing to marriage in a halal way?

My mom told my boyfriend she is disappointed in him for not taking me out on dates or buying gifts like a “normal” American relationship.

My boyfriend explained to her that he’s trying to have our relationship permissiable in Islam by not going out on dates and stuff and that there is no boyfriend girlfriend in Islam and that Islam is trying to protect the women from being used and abused by men in the society.

Does anyone know what to do or if I can get married inshallah without my parents agreement since they aren’t happy with me being involved in Islam?

Update: my mom and dad both strongly said no to marriage. They don’t want me speaking to this boy again or seeing him. They think he was brainwashing me with Islam and keep expressing how wrong and inhumane it is. I have not yet told them about me reverting to Islam- nor will I soon because of this and because I simply am afraid for that conversation.